Spear IQS Deprecated

We have deprecated the Spear IQS tool in favor of using the built-in capabilities of SSH and NoMachine to allow users to connect to Spear. This is effective immediately.

Please refer to our updated instructions for connecting to Spear. If you have any trouble connecting, please let us know.

We have done this in order to simplify the process of connecting to Spear, and to eliminate some technical issues with newer versions of NoMachine that were caused by outdated workflows on the IQS.

If you are a resource owner, you can use one of the following DNS names to connect to your Spear servers:

Group DNS Name
General Access spear-login.rcc.fsu.edu
General Access (GPU) spear-gpu.rcc.fsu.edu
EOAS Group spear-eoas.rcc.fsu.edu
Guznburger Group spear-gunz.rcc.fsu.edu
Lemmon Group spear.lemmongroup.rcc.fsu.edu
Maize Group spear-maize.rcc.fsu.edu
Medicne Group spear-medicine.rcc.fsu.edu
Narcis Group spear-narcis.rcc.fsu.edu
Statistics Group spear-statistics.rcc.fsu.edu