New Storage System Enables BIGDATA Sharing

Researchers at major Florida universities can now share data faster and easier than ever with a recently deployed new state-wide storage system. This system implemented as an initiative from the the Sunshine State Education and Research Computing Alliance (SSERCA) uses DDN's Web Object Storage technology. RCC's NoleStor system is part of this new state-wide network. During the Supercomputing '14 conference, demonstrations were given with data replicated on storage systems at FSU, UF and USF and a system on the conference floor.

Data stored on the system at FSU is replicated to partner institutions across the state and can be made available to collaborators at UCF, UF, FIU, UM, USF, and others. The system is built on top of the high-speed Florida LambdaRail. The FLR enables data transfer at speeds much higher than normal Internet speeds.

To learn more, this online presentation by RCC Director Erik Deumens at partner institution University of Florida covers the technical details or contact

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