P4VASP is a powereful and open-source 3D visualization tool for the VASP molecular dynamics and computational chemistry software package. VASP itself is licensed software (see Licensing for more information), however the visualization tool is free and open source. It can work with most types of VASP output files and is capable of using those files to produce displays of structure, unitcell, supercell, charge/probability/spin density, local potential, forces, velocities, dynamics, measure distances and angles among other things. See Official Website for more information, the GitHub Page or the Documentation for detailed usage instructions.
Using P4VASP on RCC Systems
P4VASP is an interactive visualization system and for that reason it is installed only on the Spear cluster, which is meant for interactive computing. In order to run P4VASP on RCC systems, you'll need to load the appropriate module, in this case, the p4vasp
module. In order to get the program running, simply log into a Spear node and then run the following commands:
module load p4vasp
The program's GUI shoudl start up from there. For convenience, you may want to change directories to where your VASP output files are stored before starting the GUI.