An MPI Implementation for Parallel Computing


OpenMPI is one of several implementations of the Message Passing Interface (MPI) model of parallel computing for distributed systems. OpenMPI is an open-source implementation of this model with a wide range of powerful features. For more information on OpenMPI itself, please see the home page for the code.

Using OpenMPI on RCC Resources

There are several flavors of OpenMPI available on RCC resources and each requires its own module to be loaded. Once the module has been loaded the corresponding commands to compile and run MPI codes using that implementation will become available. Note that all of these implementations may be used in Slurm submit scripts.


module load gnu-openmpi # This will load the gnu-openmpi module
mpirun -np N program.x # This will run a program with N processors using GNU OpenMPI

For Intel OpenMPI

module load intel-openmpi # This will load the intel-openmpi module
mpirun -np N program.x # This will run a program with N processors using Intel OpenMPI


module load pgi-openmpi #This will load the pgi-openmpi module
mpirun -np N program.x # This will run a program with N processors using Intel OpenMPI