An Assembler for x86 Assembly Code


NASM is an assembler program designed to assemble x86 assembler code. NASM has a relatively simple code syntax that is designed to be easy to use and understand. The program can output multiple different types of object files depending on what the user requires.

Using NASM on RCC Resources

NASM can be accessed on RCC resources without loading a specific module. To assemble an assembly file with NASM, simply call the program with the appropriate list of options, an input source file and, optionally, a named output object file. For example:

nasm -f [FORMAT] INFILE.asm -o OUTFILE.o

Here, [FORMAT] is one of several output formats supported by NASM. This option will determine what type of object file is created by the assembly of the input code. For more detailed usage information, please refer to the NASM documentation.  As a quick example though, if you have an assembly file, say, "test.asm" and you want to assemble it with nasm using the default format parameter (binary), this can be done with the following command:

nasm test.asm -o test.o