
C++ software library supporting the creation of finite element codes.


Deal.II is a powerful C++ library designed to help developers create programs to perform finite element analysis for a wide range of PDE problems. The library is highly scalable in parallel to run with many processors.

Using Deal.II on RCC Resources

All deal.II files required for compiling are available in the directory /opt/hpc/gnu/deal.II. No modules are required in order to use the deal.II libraries.

To demonstrate running an example program using the deal.II libraries, the first deal.II tutorial found here will be used. First log in to an HPC node and copy the example folder step-1 to a folder in your home directory:

mkdir ~/deal.II.example
cp -rf /gpfs/research/software/userfiles/deal.II/step-1 ~/deal.II.example

If it is not loaded already, load the gnu-openmpi module:

module load gnu-openmpi

Go to the directory containing the example step-1 and use CMake, where the location of the deal.II files must be specified:

cd ~/deal.II.example/step-1
cmake -DDEAL_II_DIR=/opt/hpc/gnu/deal.II

Execute the program using either make run or ./step-1. The grid files will be output to the current directory.

Note that only the step-1 example is available on the HPC. The other examples are available on the deal.II homepage, but are not separate from the entire package.