
Boost - A Powerful, Multipurpose library of C++ Tools


Boost is a very large, multipurpose and powerful library of algorithms and tools written for C++. The package contains several sub-libraries including networking tools, basic linear algebra codes, several general-purpose algorithms, data structures, parallelization tools and more.

Using Boost on RCC Resources

There are a large number of sublibraries that are part of Boost. First you will need to determine which ones your program will need to link to. This can be done by finding the correct name in /opt/hpc/gnu/lib64

ls /opt/hpc/gnu/lib64 | grep libboost

When you've determined which sublibrary you need, then compiling can be done using the following commands for GCC.

g++ YOURCODE.cpp -o YOUREXECUTABLE -I /opt/hpc/gnu/include -L /opt/hpc/gnu/lib64/libboost_YOURSUBLIBRARY.a

This will compile your program to an executable. If you're using the C++11 standard, you may have to add -std=c++11 to the above compiler call. For more information on Boost, please refer to the documentation.